i believe you are my healer

Umphilisi the Healer

Umphilisi the Healer

Umphilisi the Healer. When you are tired of living from paycheck to paycheck. Changing one job after the other. Umphilisi the Healer will show you the best way to become independent. If your mission is to find the best sangoma then try out my services. The most important times most people visit a sangoma is […]

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What is a Healer Personality

What is a Healer Personality

What is a Healer Personality. The scarcest type of personality is the INFJ that stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judging. What is a Healer Personality that you’re showing at the moment. If your mission is to find the best sangoma then try out my services. The most important times most people visit a sangoma

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