The Leading Traditional Doctor
Witchcraft Spells
Lottery Spells
Strong Love Spells
Money Spells

Herbalist traditional healer
My name is Dr Byona, Iam a traditional and spiritual healer specializing in fields of love, money, power, success, luck and witchcraft. I can help you with any problem or wish that you might have, I have more than 20 years experience in the field of spell casting and spiritual healing. Over the years i have worked for thousands of clients in more than 30 countries all over the world. My services are hugely in demand which is proof of the success i am achieving on a day to day basis.
Protection spells
Fertility Spells
Revenge Spells
witchcraft spells

Travel Tips When Visiting Sangoma and Traditional Healer +27717489187
These tips are compiled from experiences with clients over the years. Some of them are based on client’s mistakes and others from the frequently asked questions.
Over the years as an experienced sangoma and traditional healer have seen many clients come seeking for a solution or the other to solve their problems.
But speaking as a medium my duty is to convey the actual message as it comes from the spirits without compromising anything to suit myself or the client’s needs.
This reason makes most clients misunderstand me at first but later with time come back and even recommend friends for having given them what they need at the time but not what they wanted.
While a person only sees the present the spirit accurately sees beyond the present.
Whereas it is good to tell the sangoma and healer all your problems because you will feel offloaded.
It is better you only answer what you are asked because if the sangoma is genuine then they do not need your stories since the spirit lets them know if need arises.
Never the less I would advise you do more listening than talking or ask where you do not understand or need clarity.
Because when a student is with a teacher it’s only wise for the teacher to be speaking while the student is following or asking for guidance.
Once the sangoma starts speaking or giving you interpretation make sure you are alert not to miss any important information.
Pay attention to every word said because the message carries your solution.
If the doctor reveals a situation where you feel embarrassed then do not argue or deny knowing about it.
It’s these sessions that remind you that the place you are visiting is not ordinary playground but a spiritual place where nothing is hidden but only to the eyes.
Is it your first time or have you been seeing sangomas in the past and are wondering what to expect or how things go.
The answer to this is simple just be yourself and let the sangoma know your visit in advance.
Most clients prefer to consult in secret while others publicly but the choice is still yours. Making an appointment in advance saves you waiting for long or clashing in another client’s time.
Unless otherwise stated Dr Byona is no respector of persons first come first serve. All persons are the same regardless of class or status. As a doctor I see one person or two at a time while others have to wait for their time.
Our online appointment is also open to clients who prefer or can not meet in person.
Everything in the world that is real and genuine also has fake and counterfeits.
I keep helping many people who have been duped by one person or another in the names of being traditional healers and sangomas.
I also get tired of listening to their stories yet from what I see they are always signs that show people if they are with real doctors or not but just choose to ignore them.
These frauds will tell you to sacrifice people, usually they also operate shops where you have to buy the materials you need and keep charging you more money yet the results you need are not delivered.
Most women who visit these clowns end up pregnant for them so my advice is avoid any session that does not feel right.
Avoid them like you would avoid an angry lion. Lastly if you have ever been duped please do not come asking me for discount for my services as have done my part in warning you against going to any fake sangoma or traditional healer.